New technology: Cadbury files patent for heat-resistant chocolate
Retailers and chocoholics are looking forward to the results of a technological breakthrough that could see the development of heat-resistant chocolate. Global chocolate company Cadbury has filed a patent for a new chocolate that can resist heat for up to 40 degrees Celsius.
The new chocolate will allow easier storage and transport, and enhance sales in the summer months when the temperature exceeds 33.8 degrees Celsius, the melting point of chocolate.
A patent for a chocolate bar that will not melt as quickly as conventional chocolate promises a potential gold mine for Cadbury in the years ahead.
No-one has yet seen the melt-resistant chocolate bar, but part of the secret is out raising the question of whether it will share the mouth-feel and creaminess of a Cadbury chocolate bar? What have Cadbury done to create a heat-resistant chocolate and turn nature on its head? Who said chocolate bars were “natural” anyway?
Cadbury’s patent reads as follows:
“It is believed that less temperature tolerant chocolates tend to comprise a more fat continuous system where the sugar particles are coated in fat. We have found that it is possible to instil more favourable temperature tolerant properties into a conched chocolate by refining the conched chocolate after the conching step. Without being bound by theoretical considerations it is believed that this leads to shearing of sugar particles in the conched chocolate leading to exposed faces of the sugar particles, i.e. faces which are not coated in fat. Such exposed sugar particle faces contribute towards a more sugar continuous system (sugar matrix) reducing the percentage of fat coated sugar particles which is believed to be advantageous for temperature tolerant properties.”

That’s an interesting approach. So, mouth-feel sensation is going to stay the same while heat tolerance increases. I am keen to try it.