Vegemite sandwiches to feed Australia’s hungry
Australia’s largest food relief agency Foodbank is expected to receive substantial donations of Kraft Food’s Vegemite and Goodman Fielder’s Helgas and Wonder White bread to feed Australians over the Christmas period.
However, no donor has yet stepped forward to supply Foodbank with a major donation of butter.
Goodman Fielder’s donation of around three million loaves of bread coincides with a gift of 100,000 jars of Vegemite to Foodbank. These donations come at a time when demand from food relief is growing and welfare agencies are struggling to cope. A recent survey of Foodbank’s welfare agencies found that on average a charity will turn away 62 adults and 72 kids requests for food every month due to insufficient supplies.
Business and communications manager at Foodbank Sarah Pennell has called for a butter supplier to come forward and help Foodbank make an “Australian icon” to feed those in need.
“Obviously we do receive surplus donations from time to time that include butter, but we are always looking for companies to make an ongoing commitment to donate such staples,” Ms Pennell told Australian Food News.
Ms Pennell said that the Vegemite sandwiches and Vegemite toast was “an absolute favourite” at the 530 school breakfast programs provided by Foodbank.
While Kraft made an outright donation of Vegemite, Goodman Fielder will donate one loaf of bread to Foodbank for every loaf of Helgas and Wonder White bread sold in Australia.
John Webster, CEO of Foodbank said that with additional public support for Goodman Fielder, there might soon be enough bread to supply Australian charities.
“We know charities are hard pressed to supply to provide nutritious meals without this key staple, but we have never been able to meet demand,” Mr Webster said.
Hunger affects 2 million Australians every year, half of whom are children. Foodbank has found that low income families are the largest group of Australians seeking food relief.
Any food supplier or individual wishing to donate to Foodbank or supply voluntary labour should contact Foodbank Australia directly on 02 9887 4144.

Or you could just go the altruistic road and donate the bread without turning it into a tacky sales driver. “Buy this bread and we’ll feed this sad-looking kid”. Classy.