Goulburn Valley launches new “fresh” snacks range for kids
SPC Ardmona-owned Goulburn Valley has launched a new range of pre-sliced apple snacks to be promoted by Bindi, Terri and Robert Irwin.
As part of the recent SPC Ardmona manufacturing facility upgrade in the Goulburn Valley, new preparation methods exclusively available to SPC Ardmona have allowed product developments.
The new technology allows for ultra-modern slicing of the fruit and ability to preserve the fruits’ freshness. The process is said to ensure minimal loss to the aroma, juiciness, crunchiness and appearance of the fresh-cut apple slices to be marketed under the “Goulburn Valley Fresh” brand.
Research by Datamonitor and referenced by Goulburn Valley shows that Australians consume 31 million snacks per day, but also shows that many wish that fresh fruit was more “convenient and appealing.”
SPC Ardmona Marketing and Innovation Director, Nicki Anderson said that the new products were an “exciting step forward” for the Company.
“We see chips and lollies as being our competition. We want Goulburn Valley Fresh to be the healthy alternative to a bar of chocolate during your afternoon break or putting a bag of chips into your child’s lunch box,” Ms Anderson said.
“It’s all about convenience and ensuring a healthy option is now available for Australians to choose,” she added.
The new red and green apple Goulburn Valley Fresh snacks are being promoted by the Irwin family as a “perfect lunchbox snacks.” Goulburn Valley has announced that they have plans to release a range of other fruits too with the aid of new technology.
The launch of the new range of SPC Ardmona products is a part of an innovation shift for the revitalisation of the SPC brand. In releasing its most recent financial report to the ASX yesterday, Coca-Cola Amatil reported that the SPC Ardmona division was under pressure from cheaper supermarket brands and imports.

THank goodness someone has done this, I have always admired the Apple Bags at McDonalds and often wondered where I could get them. They are always so crisp and fresh and I was always amazed how the apple didn’t discolour. So Im so happy this has been done. I just hope the price is not going to make it non viable for many Australian families.
There is nothing wrong with the humble apple but consistency in flavour and texture is always a struggle. Bruising that occurs often puts my son right off and he has been known to throw his fruit away because , it tastes bad, its bruised etc. At least I know he will be happy everytime with this product and he will get the fruit he needs each day.
Thank you great idea.
I don’t get it! What can be more convenient than going to the fridge and pulling out a piece of fruit. What a lazy world we live in the apple slices need to be pre packaged. My 18 month old eats whole apples, and has done so for some time. And people wonder why we have an obesity crisis!
Are you serious!! If you were really interested in helping kids get into “real food” you would of spent all that money in making a fresh product into a packaged product and put it into advertising Bindi and Bob eating real apples and going around to schools and promoting fresh food. McDonalds has already done this…but they are a fast food chain.
I live in Brisbane been trying now for 3 weeks to buy the red sliced apple bags have been 3 different Coles
And can’t buy them could get them when 1st introduced now unavailable have asked unsure they will get them again? Hmm wonder what’s going on ny kids loved them.
How are these not drowned in preservatives?
I dont know about anyone else, but when I slice an apple at home, it will oxidise and turn brown within minutes. Other pre-sliced packaged fruit get around this by using chemical preservative, and one can only assume these are the same.
Whats worse, pumping our kids full of chemicals, or biting into a proper whole apple – the way nature intended!
It’s a disapointment that such a well-known and highly idolised family like the Irwin’s, who are meant to be teaching wrong from right and promoting animal and planet care and conservation rather than distruction, would stand by such a disgusting product.
The aim is to reduce the amount of rubbish and plastics that we humans produce and release disrespectfully into our land to be washed away in our oceans and threaten our wildlife and environment.
Was this not taken into consideration at all by this family?
Why are they the ones who are representing animal welfare and environmental conservation when they know no better?
Not to mention that apples are such a pure and healthy alternative for a snack as they are not rapped in unnecessary and harmful plastics and that they are easily bio-degradable. I can’t believe that the world has come to measures such as pre-slicing and pre-packaging apple slices just simply because we can and we have the power to do so! We are asking for too much from this planet and we are destroying it for our luxurious needs instead of focusing on the future of this planet and it’s inhabitants, including our future generations. We are too selfish and demanding. We have lost control. We have lost love for one another. We have lost love for our home. Our planet along with every living thing within it is under major threat and we are the only culprit.
But hey! if pre-packaged apple slices help you sleep at night!
This is a big mistake, by the company and by the Irwins. A mistake that they can only regret making now.
I’m an interstate truck driver and think your products are fantastic, I have trouble getting fresh fruit because I cross borders which means it’s illegal to carry fresh fruit across borders, also it’s hard to cut fruit in pieces while driving without slashing my wrists or wondering on to the wrong side of the road, with your product I can open a bag and enjoy the sweet juice taste of an apple any time I need to, it’s fine for some people to complain about packets when your sitting at home and have the time to stop what their doing and enjoy an apple but I usually find they are the same people who complain the loudest when their purchases are not available on time, please keep up the good work and tell me where I can purchase more as they are hard to find at the moment