FSANZ calls for submissions on GMO soybean application

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 22nd July 2013

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has invited submissions on an application to change the Food Standards Code to allow food derived from a genetically modified soybean.

The application, submitted by Bayer CropScience and Syngenta Seeds, sought permission to allow food derived from a soybean genetically modified to be tolerant to two herbicides, glufosinate-ammonium and mesotrione.

“The FSANZ safety assessment found no public health or safety concerns and food from this soybean line is as safe for human consumption as food derived from conventional soybean,” said Steve McCutcheon, FSANZ Chief Executive Officer. “FSANZ welcomes comments from government agencies, public health professionals, industry and the community,” he said.

The closing date for submissions is 23 August 2013. Full details of the application and how to make a submission can be found on the FSANZ website.

FSANZ calls for submissions on GMO soybean application