New Australian beer Kwencher wins international beer awards
New Australian beer label first hit the shelves 18 months ago, but has already won two international beer awards. The beer label’s newest offering, Kwencher Pale Ale, released in April 2013, was judged best pale ale in Australasia at the 2013 Asia Beer Awards.
A group of 24 international beer experts judged more than 100 ales in the pale ale category – including some of the world’s top brands.
Kwencher said it released the Pale Ale after the success of its Clingstone Peach and Darjeeling Tea brew, which received awards at the 2012 Asia Beer Awards in Singapore and the 2012 Australian International Beer Awards.
The label was developed by David Burns and his wife Elly Meltzer following a holiday in Morocco in 2008, where they “discovered the delicious flavours of peach tea and icy local beer”. When they returned from the holiday, Mr Burns started home brewing and combined the two flavours. He then developed the brew into a commercial product. He said the pale ale combines “the sweet aroma of passionfruit and flavour from Yarra Valley hops”.
Produced in Geelong, Victoria, Kwencher said it was planning to use the award as “leverage” to expand their distribution into the Sydney, Brisbane and Perth markets later in 2013, as well as pursuing leads in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Kwencher Clingstone Peach and Darjeeling Tea and Kwencher Pale Ale are available at liquor stores throughout Victoria and online nationally at
Grog is grog. Its only purpose is to drug affect people trying to escape the day to day world we all live in. If alcohol tasted like dirty dishwater people would still drink it. Nobody really cares what this drug tastes like as long as it gets them drunk. Take the alcohol out of the grog and no 1 would drink it no matter how good it tasted.