A2 Platinum infant formula gains regulatory approval from China

The a2 Milk Company Limited (a2MC) has announced it has achieved approval from regulatory agencies in China to resume shipments of high quality a2 Platinum infant formula.
The Company said notification of the successful inclusion of a2 branded products imported by its distributor China State Farm Shanghai was received from China General Administration for Quality Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) with the publishing of the updated AQSIQ Imported Brand List.
“Registration will provide an important confidence boost for our distribution partner China State Farm and its sub distributors in our target markets in China,” said Geoffrey Babidge, a2MC Managing Director. “The market development programme paused while the registration process was progressing and can now be reactivated together with new communication initiatives,” he said.
a2MC said it sought registration directly in association with Synlait Milk, its a2 Platinum infant formula processing and manufacturing partner, and Synlait Milk’s interim contract provider, Auckland-based New Zealand New Milk Ltd. New Milk achieved manufacturer registration with Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) early in July 2014, as an overseas manufacturer of infant formula. Synlait Milk is expected to achieve the same registration following the approval of its Risk Management Plan by the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The Company said it “remains confident” it has the systems in place to fulfil the ongoing criteria of China’s regulatory agencies relating to the production, importation and distribution of a2 Platinum infant formula.
Prior to the 1 May 2014 implementation date for the new regulations, a2MC said it had positioned product in China to meet expected consumer demand until the next scheduled shipment arrived.
The Company said the regulatory changes affecting China had not impacted the production of a2 Platinum infant formula for sale in other markets, including Australia and New Zealand.
a2MC is a premium-priced dairy company that is building a global business based on intellectual property relating to a2 brand dairy products. The Company has operations in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and China and is pursuing growth opportunities in Asia, North America and Europe.